Finca los Retamales, Autovía A5, km 328.800. San Pedro de Mérida. 06893


  +34 635 610 321



Today we present "Cachucho DF", a spectacular chestnut colt born on 04/04/2020 Cachucho DF" has an impressive morphology, very powerful, a lot of bone, very much in the breed. His movements are incredible, with a spectacular trot while maintaining a great elevation. With

At our stud, we are proud to present "Cecilia de Viñuela", a filly that represents excellence in the breeding of purebred Spanish horses. Born and bred in our stud. Since its birth, in our stud, we have paid careful attention to

At our stud, we are delighted to present Jabata de Viñuela, an exceptional filly born and bred under our care. This impressive filly is a Cremello layer, and is a daughter of our baroque stallion, BONI Indalo, who has an

Today we present "Bartolito" a beautiful Cremello colt born on 02/25/2021. "Bartolito" has a class and elegance worthy of seeing, he fills the track with his movements, he becomes lord and master of the terrain and he is in love with

Naranjita XXVII is one of our brood mares, born on 28/05/2003 with a sorrel coat. She has always given us very good specimens and is a fantastic mother. This year she surprises us again with a spectacular Palomina filly. Daughter of "Boni Indalo"

We have already told you on several occasions about a brood mare that we have in our house and that always brings us joy. She is "Martinika". We showed you "Perlina de Viñuela" daughter of "Martinika" and "Seductor XLVI" a wonderful


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