Finca los Retamales, Autovía A5, km 328.800. San Pedro de Mérida. 06893


  +34 635 610 321



With the arrival of spring also comes the new foals, it is a special time in our stud, full of enthusiasm and joy for the new specimens. We conduct a thorough study of the most appropriate crosses and genetically study all

She is "Manoli" a spectacular 8 month old filly Isabela color. "Manoli" is very noble with an exceptional attitude and incredible movements and morphology. "Manoli" has a wonderful color, of what there is not, which makes it a very desired specimen. A unique

Original VII is a magnificent and as you can see, spectacular 3-year-old foal, its genetics are spectacular, a beautiful pearl layer, analyzed by ANCCE that has in its small "e" genes. His father, you already know him and you have


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