Ranchero XLVII (Sold)
Today we present you a wonderful animal, his name "Ranchero XLVII" and he is a magnificent young Chestnut coated horse born on 09/06/2016. His genetics are impressive, his entire genealogical tree is full of great champions and top horses. It is
Lucky HS (Sold)
"Lucky HS" is a wonderful colt with a spectacular Cremello coat born on 01/09/2019. The first thing that stands out is a perfect color, very uniform. Together with an excellent morphology, this colt is called to be a great specimen. The movements
Gala de Viñuela (Sold)
Today we present a very special filly, "Gala de Viñuela". Gala de Viñuela is the result of many years working with diluted layers, because their ascendants are horses born and raised in our stud, horses that after much work, effort and
El Caporal de Fer (Sold)
Today we present one of our new stallions "El Caporal de Fer". A spectacular breeding stallion born on 20/03/2017 and with the new nomenclature is classified as Baya Perla. A beautiful coat that also stands out in this specimen for having its
"Martinika is one of our great broodmares. Born on 16/04/2013 with a beautiful Alazana coat. "Martinika" is a pride for us and every year she gives us a foal always of exceptional quality. And this year he could not miss the appointment
Licenciada LH & Frida LH II (Sold)
More than a year ago we introduced you to these two mares as fillies, and we commented that they would become part of our broodmares. Today we announce that they are already pregnant by our stallion Banana Joe JC and
Giralda de Viñuela (Sold)
"Giralda de Viñuela" born in our home 17/03/2020 is a pearly coated filly very much in the breed. A lot of class, a lot of power, a spectacular morphology and movements that amaze when you see them. A filly with a lot
Creador JV (Sold)
"Creador JV", one of the foals that have impressed us the most with their movements. A spectacle to see him on the track, perfect movements, clean, rhythmic, very clear, a luxury for the eyes. Born 12/04/2018 coat dapple-grey, in our stud son
Goloso de Viñuela (Sold)
Today we bring you a genetic, morphological and styling marvel. This is "Goloso de Viñuela" colt born 15/05/2020 and bred in our house. With the new nomenclature he is a Perlino coat. A spectacle on the track, with movements that only great