Perlina de Viñuela (Sold)
Today we present to you "Perlina de Viñuela" a filly of Palomina Perla born in our house 11/06/2019 "Perlina de Viñuela" is very special, its genotype Palomino Perla is a rarity. Born in our house, she is the daughter of our broodmare
Bali Abad (Sold)
Today we present a filly called to be one of the best in the world in thinned coat. "Bali Abad" is an Isabela layer filly born on 01/05/2019. Many times we say phrases like "this is what is not available or cannot
Victorius de Viñuela (Sold)
This marvel is "Victorius de Viñuela" a chestnut colt born on 04/14/2021 and bred in our stud. Pure product of the house. Son of our star stallion "Banana Joe Jc" and one of our best brood mares "Inquieta LXXIII" of which
Boni Indalo, dressage
We already introduced you to "Boni Indalo" at the time, we have high hopes for him and the new breeding line we have started. If you want to know more about his origins and the concept of Boni Indalo's baroque horse,
Boni Zafiro (Sold)
We present "Boni Zafiro" colt born on 20/01/2020 with a beautiful Perlino coat (new nomenclature). "Boni Zafiro" is a spectacle on the track, surprising the first time we saw him and we confirmed the following ones, that the movements they present
Isis de Mara (Sold)
Today we introduce you to "Isis de Mara" a stunning broodmare, Perlina coat born 07/07/2014. She is accompanied by this year's offspring, "Cataleya Cob Viñuela", one of the wonders of our 2021 litter. The first thing that stands out in "Isis de
Bella RM II
Today we present you another of our brood mares, but she is something very special and we are sure that she will be a reference in the coming years. "Bella RM II" is a pearl coat mare born on 4/19/2016 bred
Auditora de Viñuela (Sold)
"Auditora de Viñuela" is a Torda filly born on 12/06/2020 and is a beauty. The first thing that stands out about "Auditora de Viñuela" is her movements on the track, of enormous elegance and quality, very wide, very light, spectacular. Its morphology,
Novedad IV
Today we introduce you to one of our brood mare that is giving us more satisfaction. This is "Novedad IV" which, although we have already talked about it on other occasions, it did not have its own file, which has been